5. Implementation

STEP 5.1 Identify Stakeholders

Purpose To ensure stakeholders are fully engaged throughout the Implementation Stage.
Timing Note Engaging with stakeholders will occur, as needed, throughout the stage.
Useful Tool Guideline for Stakeholder Engagement
Action Description
1 Review the Stakeholder Engagement section of the Project Plan.
2 Identify where stakeholders should be consulted in this Stage.
3 Consult throughout the stage as planned.
At the end of this step: Stakeholders have been adequately consulted throughout this Stage.

STEP 5.2 Implement Biosecurity Plan

Purpose To implement the prevention measures of the Biosecurity Plan.
Timing Note Prevention activities can start in the Operational Planning Stage once the Biosecurity Plan is completed.
Biosecurity prevention must be undertaken long-term and continue into the Sustaining the Project Stage.
Action Description
1 Follow the activities recorded in the Prevention section of the Biosecurity Plan.
At the end of this step: The biosecurity prevention measures have been implemented.

STEP 5.3 Train the Team

Purpose To undertake all training and develop the skills necessary for the pre- implementation, implementation and post-implementation work.
Timing Notes As some types of training can take a long time to prepare and deliver it is recommended that training activities start as early as possible in the project.
Steps 5.3 to 5.6 may be done in parallel.
Action Description
Review the following documents to determine the training and skills required:
  • Capacity section of the Feasibility Study Report.
  • Project Plan
  • Task Schedule of the Operational Plan
  • Biosecurity Plan
  • Monitoring Plan
2 Organise the appropriate training required for the team to complete the treatment(s).
At the end of this step: All team members are adequately trained and skilled to undertake the project.

STEP 5.4 Contract the necessary Services

Purpose To finalise all contracts to cover the supply of services from contractors.
Timing Notes As this step can take significant time, it is recommended that it is started as early as possible in the project. 
Steps 5.3 to 5.6 may be done in parallel.
Useful Tool Guidelines for Project Managers
Action Description
Review the following documents to determine the services required from contractors:
  • Project Plan
  • Operational Plan
  • Biosecurity Plan
  • Monitoring Plan
2 Identify all services and contractors that require contracts.
3 Review your organisation’s procedures relevant to the supply of external services.
4 Agree and finalise contracts for all services.
At the end of this step: Contracts are in place to cover all services.

STEP 5.5 Source the Equipment, Tools and Materials

Purpose To take possession of all necessary equipment, tools and materials for the project.
Timing Note As this step can take significant time, it is recommended that it is started as early as possible in the project.
Steps 5.3 to 5.6 may be done in parallel.
Action Description
1 Review the Equipment List section of the Operational Plan to identify the necessary equipment.
2 Review the Biosecurity Plan to identify the necessary equipment for the biosecurity activities.
3 Review the Monitoring Plan to identify the necessary equipment for the monitoring activities.
4 Gather together all the required equipment. This may require buying missing equipment
At the end of this step: The Operational Team is in possession of all the equipment to undertake the treatment(s). The team have all the monitoring and biosecurity equipment.

STEP 5.6 Complete the Remaining Pre-treatment Tasks

Purpose To complete the preparation for the operation, the monitoring and the biosecurity activities.
Timing Note Steps 5.3 to 5.6 may be done in parallel.
Action Description
1 Review the Task Schedule section of the Operational Plan.
2 Complete any remaining pre-operational actions required to prepare for the operation, the pre-treatment monitoring and biosecurity.
At the end of this step: Preparation for the operation is complete.

STEP 5.7 Conduct a Readiness Check

Purpose To have an independent technical reviewer verify the readiness for the operation.
Timing Note Steps 5.3 to 5.6 must be completed before this step.
If the Project Readiness Report concludes that the team is not ready to proceed with the treatment(s), the report will contain a list of required actions.  These actions must be completed and another readiness check may be required.
Action Description
1 Have all project documents and plans reviewed by independent technical advisors.
2 The Project Manager holds a project readiness meeting with the independent technical advisor(s) to discuss all aspects of the project.
3 The independent technical advisors complete a Project Readiness Report.
4 Review and action the recommendations of the Project Readiness Report.
5 Consider whether a further Readiness Check is required if the earlier check identified required actions.
At the end of this step: The Project Readiness Report is complete.

STEP 5.8 Implementation - apply the treatment(s)

Purpose To use the methods described in the Operational Plan to apply treatments to the invasive plant targets.
Timing Note Some treatments can only be applied in periods of good weather. Careful forecasting is required.
Useful Tool Guideline for Project Managers
Operational Plan TEMPLATE
Operational Plan WORKED EXAMPLE
Action Description
1 Review the Operational Plan to ensure all health and safety procedures are followed
2 Review the Operational Plan to ensure treatments are applied in the right order.
3 Conduct pre-treatment briefing with team
4 Apply treatments
5 Conduct post-treatment debriefing with team
At the end of this step: The first round of treatment(s) for the Implementation of the project has been completed (at least).

STEP 5.9 Conduct the Post-treatment Monitoring

Purpose To measure the success of the project
Useful Tool Monitoring Plan TEMPLATE (included in Operational Plan TEMPLATE)
Monitoring Plan WORKED EXAMPLE (included in Operational Plan WORKED EXAMPLE)
Action Description
1 Review the Monitoring Plan for timing and collection of agreed data
2 Collect, collate and analyse the required data
At the end of this step: Monitoring is underway.

STEP 5.10 Complete Operational Review(s) and Annual Progress Report(s)

Purpose To communicate to the team, to managers and to donors how the operation has progressed
Timing Note An Operational Review should be completed as soon as possible after each treatment so the team can plan for any recommended changes (there may be more than one treatment a year).
The Annual Progress Report may be used as part of agency or donor reporting.
Useful Tool Guideline for Evaluation and Reporting
Operational Review TEMPLATE
Operational Review WORKED EXAMPLE
Your agency’s template for Annual Progress Report (or donor as appropriate)
Action Description
1 Review the major parts of the operation with the team and record how well things went, what lessons were learned and what recommendations can be made
2 Analyse data collected from proxy or actual monitoring (identified in Operational Plan Template section 4. and Task Schedule)
3 Prepare the Annual Progress Report in the format required with information from the Operational Review
At the end of this step: The Operational Review has been used to inform the Annual Progress Report which has been completed as required

STEP 5.11 Update Operational Plan and repeat Stages 4 and 5 as required for the following year’s work

Purpose To review and update the Operational Plan for the next round of Implementation
Timing Note Best done as soon as the Operational Review has been completed.
Action Description
1 Revise the Operational Plan as required
2 If major changes were recommended in the Operational Review, arrange for technical review.
At the end of this step: The Operational Plan is updated and ready for the next round of Implementation

STEP 5.12 Complete a Project Review Report before the end of the funding cycle – update plans from Stages 3, 4 and repeat Stage 5

Purpose To review the whole project and prepare a report
Timing Note This should be completed before funding finishes so that any work required to complete the project over the next years can be outlined.
Useful Tool Guideline for Evaluation and Reporting
Action Description
1 Review the entire project to date
2 Analyse all data for the project to date
3 Prepare a comprehensive project report with recommendations for future work.
At the end of this step: The complete project to date has been analysed, reviewed and summarised

STEP 5.13 Inform the Stakeholders

Purpose To communicate to the stakeholders that the operation has been completed, tell them how it went and outline any required future operations.
Timing Note Stakeholder consultation will also have occurred though the Implementation Stage as set out in the Project Plan.
Useful Tool Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement
Action Description
1 Review the Stakeholder Engagement section in the Project Plan to confirm how you plan to communicate with each group of stakeholders.
2 Review the Project Reporting section of the Project Plan to understand the planned project status reporting.
3 Communicate as planned, providing copies of the Operational Review as required.
At the end of this step: Stakeholders have been informed of the project status.